Profile PictureShannon Gilmour

Exposing the mask of ego

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This is an e-coaching course designed to help unlock the feminine woman inside.  We women give to others and barely find time for ourselves. Discover the inner diva inside as you learn biblically who Go needs you to be. He made you unique and nurturing and this course is designed to help you nurture and give to yourself.

A shout out to my lovely sistah’s in arms!

Do you ever have the desire to just flip life off and yell ‘Get off my back?’

That sounds pretty harsh, but some days seem so heavy that you are left questioning ‘What’s the point?” Life can be so frustrating that you just want to pull your hair out.

The demands of life are well… demanding and there just isn’t enough hours of the day to sort out the demands of life, and at the end of the day there isn’t enough of you to find the emotional where with all to figure out what life is demanding of you.

It’s not easy being you! And you would just like a break! Oh how it would be so nice to just have someone step into your shoes and live life from your perspective just for a few hours! Is there anyone that can just take over, or at the very least help you out to catch a needed break?

I hear you. I really do.

Life seems unfair, and as an adult, and the many womanly roles you have, you aren’t allowed to contemplate life and sit down and throw a mini me pity party. But you have all these feelings bottled up inside and you need to get them out. You need help because you need hope!

I get that. I really do.

You are a Godly woman who just wants to be heard and needed!

You are perhaps feeling frustrated in your faith because you need Godly council, but where to find that without making more compromise to yourself?

You are willing to help others, and you want to help others but how is it that you feel taken advantage of or your help just isn’t wanted?

Does it feel like life just wants a piece of you as you struggle to get out of bed every morning? Where’s the fun in life? Where’s the joy that God talks about? Does it seem like life events and people are holding you down and robbing you of your precious joy?

I understand you. I really do.

You are not alone! I cannot walk a mile in your shoes but I do know what it’s like to walk a mile when you can no longer walk that mile. I understand what it is like to be under appreciated and undervalued as a loving individual. I know what it is like to be be misunderstood and taken advantage of as a loving and giving woman. I have been let down, as I have let myself down as a woman, and I am here to tell you that what we feel as women, is necessary as it is a part of the growth process and life’s journey God has called us into.

Join me International author and Christian life coach, Shannon Gilmour on a journey of life lessons that help you to understand what life is all about.

Discover your purpose and your reasons for being here.

Uncover life’s lessons that are meant to challenge you as a woman.

Unlock the hidden treasures of your heart that make you unique as you tap into your femininity.

Reclaim the you you once knew with a renewing of your soul through God’s unique perspective.

Finally! Answers to your seemingly unanswerable questions because I too lovely lady have been there. Discover the you inside of you as together we challenge each other to go the distance in just 40 days.

How do you like You now? is an e-course inspired by personal true life events. I share some of those events with you personally, because in order to understand life, I had to get up close and personal with myself and that meant being true and honest with God and with me.

I invite you to join me, as I share with you insightful biblical messages, as this life course is life changing because it is built around your life as a woman; a loving nurturing giving creature of God who was divinely designed in all her feminine glory. You are a daughter of God and life is so much more that what we think it is. As challenging as it is for you, I assure you that there isn’t anything you can’t handle. You already are handling the worst of life’s situations, and although it feels like you are just getting by, the fact that you are getting through, shows strength girl!

Only you know where you are at in life personally, and I’d like to help show you that life can get better, it will get better, it must get better, but better and best depend on you. 40 days to a new you helps you to express yourself under God’s good and perfect care while allowing you to take on different positive habits while shedding the old ones. Together we can achieve greatness that allows you to see life from a new perspective, not just through your eyes, but through the heart of you.

We as women have so many roles to fulfill. We step into them honorably and cleanly. However we can’t help but take on someone else’s mess and that mess leaves us at the end of the day, emotionally dirty as we are drained and distraught.

I’ve been there. I’ve been trained to get dirty, but I have also been trained by the best; God. He has trained me to not allow the messiness of life take a toll on my negatively. Before I understood what life was all about, I was extremely negative about life. I wandered aimlessly through it, and I felt hopeless. I gave of myself to others and needed something in return, but never received it. This was because I formed unhealthy relationships with unhealthy people all because I was spiritually unhealthy.

It’s hard to take a look at our behavior, because we think we are doing everything right as women. We are following our instincts to give, but when we are not replenished within in some way, we begin to crumble and fall apart. We become detached in life and depression kicks in and we find ourselves at a disservice to others because we no longer find value or purpose in what we once gave. We feel unwanted, unappreciated, undervalued and alone because we are lost.

We need to find our way. We are not complete if we cannot give in the ways that we do.

I get that, I am the same way. This is why I do what I do. But there is one thing God shared with me and I’d like to share this with you in the free video below. God spoke to me in an amazing way with such amazing detail that it is what I needed to see and hear to set me on the course of self reflection and deep soul searching. Without His words, I still would be lost because what He said to me over 10 years ago is what shifted my perspective. Those words spoken to me have not failed me as they are proven to me every single day of my life since then.

How do you like YOU now?  is an e-coaching course that is full of insight and empowering messages that you can implement into your life starting today. Jesus fasted for 40 days, and this has significance. Jesus knew no sin and so he only had food to fast from. He fasted from food to show us how going without food weakens the body, and when we are so parched with hunger we will do anything to satisfy those pangs of desire for food. However, Jesus wasn’t showing us what it looks like to fast from food. Jesus wanted us to become aware of the spiritual message; what happens when the body and spirit fast from sin.

The body becomes weak, but the spirit becomes weaker. The spirit cries out for that one last indulgence and screams obscenities within our minds to get us to comply and give into that one last temptation. Sin in today’s word is called addiction and mild addictions are nothing more than habits. Habits are behaviors and thoughts that you perform regularly on a day to day basis. To break the cycle of habitual behavior, one must change their ways for a period of 40 days. This is what Jesus did. Jesus showed us that habits and sinful behaviors can be broken with another pattern of repeated behavior that is opposite to that sin. By replacing the sinful behavior with its opposite for a period of 40 days, that sin is replaced and no longer is an issue as a new behavior is adopted.

Sounds easy right? No. This is why I share with you some deep interesting insightful messages from God’s word to help you understand that our behaviors are what make life tumultuous or courageous. Our behaviors and choices are for reasons that are only between us and God. God knows you better than you do and through this e-course you will learn some valuable take a ways about yourself that you can share with God as this lesson encourages you to seek Him in ways you never knew you could!

Are you ready to give this e-course a try? It’s a 40 day challenge that allows you to go the distance with me as your life coach, and mentor; your sistah in arms. I will be with you every step of the way as together we will discuss specific topics and challenges and seek God’s deeper meaning of His word to help you find solutions that are best suited to you.

All correspondence is confidential. And before you sign up, I need to share with you the disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER DOWNLOAD Legalese: You agree that you will not hold me, Shannon Gilmour, or my business or website liable or accountable for any damages that may or may …. This disclaimer will be included in your e-coaching course also.

Ready to begin your life’s journey in as little as 40 days?  You will have free access to phone conferencing with me, or text. For life! Together we will walk you through the process of 40 days to illicit positive change you are not alone as you have sisterly support backed up with womanly guidance. Together we will pray, discover deep biblical insights and uncover the hurdles in your life that are limiting your spirit. Once you have completed the course and have handed in the last assignment, you will be given the option to download the e-booklet for you to reference from and read again repeatedly as this forms a new mindset and way of thinking to help you adopt positive results from your positive achievements.

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Access directly to me via email, phone or text. E-course booklet, insight that pertains directly to you

Reclaim the you you once knew with a renewing of your soul through God’s unique perspective.
Unlock the hidden treasures of your heart that make you unique as you tap into your femininity.
Uncover life’s lessons that are meant to challenge you as a woman.
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Exposing the mask of ego

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